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- L U N A C Y !
- by Tony Frey
- LUNACY is certainly easier to play than to describe. It is a game, to
- be sure, but it is part puzzle, part maze, part mindbender and part
- straightforward "game".
- When you hit P on the main menu, what you'll see will look deceptively
- simple -- a screen full of numbers and a blinking cursor. Even the
- directions are simple -- move the cursor around the grid, following the
- only rule there is in the game, and clear as many numbers off the grid as
- possible. The one rule is simple. You may move in any direction (N, NE,
- E, SE, S, SW, W, NE) a distance equal to the number closest to the cursor
- in that direction. The one exception is that you cannot cross an empty
- space. Believe me, it's easier to understand it in the game than it is to
- explain it in words.
- 15743286951 In this example, you could chose to move up two spaces,
- 98741257827 right four spaces, diagonally down/right one space, left
- 21533*48988 three spaces, or diagonally up/left one space. You could
- 25487917623 not move down nine spaces becuase there are not that many
- 98721721313 occupied squares in that direction. NOTE: The asterisk
- 45796136735 in this example represents your cursor.
- But the game's not called LUNACY for nothing! You need to keep your
- eye on the whole picture and plan your moves ahead or you'll find yourself
- with large areas and no way to get in to clear them of numbers. Or worse,
- you'll find yourself trapped in a section with no way out to the rest of
- the board! So you'll find yourself counting the spaces before you move and
- smearing your monitor with fingerprints and generally going nuts trying to
- find the optimum pathway through the numbers.
- P - Hitting the P key on the main menu will take you to the game screen.
- This is how you start playing the game.
- L - The L key selects the skill level. There are three different skill
- levels to choose from. On Level One only numbers are printed to the
- screen. When you select Level Two, four asterisks (*) will be put on the
- screen in a big box. When you use an asterisk to move you will move one
- space and get a twenty-five point bonus (twenty-six points total). When an
- asterisk is the last character you land on you also get a twenty-five point
- bonus. Otherwise, you don't get a bonus. Level Three not only gives you
- asterisks, but also randomly placed question marks. These question marks
- are mystery numbers. Use one to move and you will receive a ten point
- bonus.
- S - Toggles the sound effects on or off.
- K - Toggles color mode on or off. This is a 'just for fun' option. Play
- with it toggled on only if you don't care about going blind. It's Fender's
- fault. FENDER'S NOTE: My brother-in-law, the optometrist, suggested the
- color mode.
- I - I believe you've figured out what this command does!
- H - Displays the high scores file. Note that there is a list for each of
- the three levels.
- C - Clears the high scores file. Be careful with this one.
- Q - Quit the program.
- Use the number key pad to move the cursor around the screen. 1, 2, 3, 4,
- 6, 7, 8, and 9 move you in the eight compass directions. Press the B or
- the 0 key to back up ONE move.
- M will call up a menu that is displayed at the top of the screen. From
- this menu you can press:
- C - Continue playing the game.
- R - Place a brand new playing field on the screen.
- Q - Quit back to the main menu.
- Don't forget that you can move DIAGONALLY. Remember you CAN move
- Clear as much of the screen as you can. When you can't move anymore just
- hit the M key. Then select restart or quit to end the current game.
- It helps to count a few moves ahead. Don't try to play too fast or you'll
- get yourself caught in a corner.
- Please don't hold me responsible for fingerprints on your monitor screen!
- You CAN move DIAGONALLY!!!
- TF
- **** R - Run RETURN - Menu ****